Ann-yeong ha-se yo

"Ann-yeong ha-se yo" APAC Theatre students and parents! Chal-chi-nnesseyo? (Are you doing well?) We formally welcome you to South Korea and to our school. This land is rich in tradition and culture, however what makes Korea truly 'Dynamic' is its unique fusion of past and present. Our goal for this APAC event is that students from across Asia will experience this blend in all its richness, having gained unique insight into the possibilities of theatre. Students will be visited and taught by an acting troupe from the city of Cheonan, as well as have the opportunity to learn some Hapkido (traditional Korean martial art) and take a day trip to Seoul to see the world famous Nanta. Each school will present their ensemble performance based on the theme of "Celebrate!", as well as collaborate in creating a truly incredible finale performance titled, The Wedding.

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